How would YOU spend $14K?

DC residents will soon have up to $14K to spend on making their homes healthier. So we thought we’d throw a party:-)

Come touch, see, and learn about the products and services that help us live healthier lives, save money, and add value to our homes!

If you’d like to become a sponsor of the Healthy Homes DC Expo, click below!

Join us!

  • Exhibit

    Do you want to share your product with hundreds of professionals looking to advise their clients on how to best decarbonize their homes? Do you want to showcase your products or services to homeowners and renters? At the Healthy Homes Fair, you can do both!

  • Learn

    Do you want to update your professional certification or simply learn about new products, techniques or careers in home decarbonization, we promise you won’t be bored!

  • Attend

    Bring along your loved ones (of all ages) for a fun and interactive day exploring the options to make your home more comfortable, resilient and sustainable.


What is the Healthy Homes DC Expo?

Healthy Homes DC Expo is a home electrification fair featuring exhibitors and a full program of activities to educate homeowners, renters, and workforce about the science, technology, incentives and careers available to decarbonize the homes of the District and meet our Climate Commitments.

How big is Healthy Homes?

We expect to have a minimum of 50 vendors exhibiting, 200 professionals taking continuing education, and 500 homeowners visiting the expo. With your support, we can make this event eve bigger and more impactful.

Who runs Healthy Homes?

Healthy Homes is run by Electrify DC in partnership with District of Columbia agencies, and national, regional and local business and institutions. If you want to throw your hat in, email

When will Healthy Homes happen?

The inaugural edition of Healthy Homes will take place in the spring of 2024. Given the amount of community engagement, education and workforce development needed around decarbonizing our homes, we expect Healthy Homes to be a yearly event.

Where will Healthy Homes be?

We are having conversations with a number of potential venues. We want the inaugural edition of Healthy Homes to happen in or near a J40 tract, in a large and airy venue, convenient to public transport, with ample parking to accommodate the professionals coming from across the DMV who are not comfortable moving without their tools;-), and with sufficient power to plug in all the fabulous electric machines we want to show off;-).