Our Programs

  • Educating and connecting

    We run the biggest consumer-facing home electrification event in the country, aimed at educating homeowners, renters, home renovation professionals, and career seekers about the technologies, products, services, and incentives available to decarbonize our homes.

  • Targeting the 10,000 homes transacted each year

    We engage, educate, train and certify the professionals that advise homeowners and renters during and beyond the transaction of residential real estate — real estate agents, brokers, appraisers, home inspectors, and mortgage lenders.

  • Residential Electrification Implementation Working Group (REIWG)

    We convene government agencies, manufacturers, professional associations, and nonprofits to accelerate residential electrification across the Washington D.C. region. Initiatives include a regional contractor list; a repository of decarbonization stories and practical local resources; regional coordination of training and onramps directory.

  • Demonstration Sites

    We aim to support one homeowner or enter in each of the 131 neighborhoods of the District so they may share their electrification journeys with their communities thereby accelerating decarbonization, and paving the way for block electrification.

  • Building for the Future

    We engage, train and certify home renovation professionals and connect them with informed homeowners and renters to facilitate the decarbonization of homes.

    These are architects, landscape architects, mechanical engineers, general contractors, electricians, plumbers and gasfitters, HVAC installers, and property managers.

Our vision is a region where businesses, homeowners, and renters work together to transform all of our homes into tools to combat climate change, increase the health and comfort of residents, and create well-paying jobs of the future.

Electrify DC is a tax-exempt nonprofit incorporated in the District of Columbia.